A Visit to “Mary The Mother of God’s House”
Why do many believe this is Mary’s home and how did it come to be in Loreto? The answer to that question is a tale of history, mysteries and miracles.

The Making of a Mystic Nativity
Well it is Christmas time 2014. Although I wanted to have the Nativity painting I started three years ago complete, I’m sad to say it is not. However, I decided I could least share the progress so far. It is not the classic...
Two Saints in One Divine Mercy Day
April 8th, 2014 two deceased Pope’s (Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II) will become Canonize Saints. If you are not familiar with the process of Canonization, you might ask how someone becomes a Saint. Or isn’t everyone in heaven a saint? Yes everyone in...
Misconceptions About The Catholic Church
“There are not one hundred people in this world who hate Catholicism, but there are millions who hate what they mistakenly believe Catholicism to be.” – The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen Do Catholics read the Bible? Catholics do read scriptures from...