“My Secret is simple… I pray.”
“If you want to pray better, you must pray more.”
—Blessed Mother Teresa
Prayer with the Heart
Prayer is an affair of the heart. Not your heart organ, or an emotion, but the center of your being. The heart symbolized what is deepest in the human person. Biblically, the heart represents the inner temple, the core of intimacy, the proper terrain of the spirit and therefore the place to encounter God.
Pray Deeply
Praying at the level of the heart requires the effort to go beneath the surface of our awareness. Superficial prayer cannot satisfy us or God. Limiting ourselves to surface prayer will lead to inner dryness and abandonment of prayer all together. It is the heart that is the true seed of you transformation. Once deeper, more contemplative prayer begins, thoughts have done their job and are no longer of service.
Move the focus of our awareness away from the surface. Towards the center of our soul.Shift from your level of the head to the level of the heart.
Silence of the Heart
“In the silence of the heart God Speaks.”
All deep prayer is anchored in interior silence. It brings us beyond petitions, praise or our own activities, into a wordless communion. We stand silent and still before God. “We cannot put ourselves directly in the presence of God if we do not practice internal and external silence”
Endeavor to live alone with Jesus in the sanctuary of our inmost heart.
–Blessed Mother Teresa