Miraculous Stories from Medjugorje
Not all who go to Medjugorje see or receive miracles while they are there. I can only share my personal experience. The Blessed Mother is asking that all souls “Return to God”. If you go, not as a tourist, but as a pilgrim and stay for at least a week praying, listening, and observing the fruits of the Holy Spirit you will feel an inner peace in your heart that is a grace of God. As you begin to put God first in your life, your life will change forever.
Please spend some time viewing some of the fruits of Medjugorje.
Colleen Willard Documented Miraculous Healing
“Colleen suffered from an inoperable brain tumor that affected her pituitary gland and all of her fine and gross motor skills. She had rickets, her thyroid had completely dried up to the size of a raisin, and she had lupus, fibromyalgia, and nine other painful and deadly illnesses. In the last stages of cancer, Colleen’s suffering became so extreme that prayer was her only recourse. She went to Medjugorje thinking I only want to go and experience Blessed Mother and this holy place”.
“You don’t have to change to love me. Loving me will change you.” Ex-Japanese-Mafia member Donald Calloway becomes a priest after ready just one book on Medjugorje.
Fr. Leon Pereria shares his first-hand apparition experience in Medjugorje