He had the Gift of Perfume:
Sometimes God allows saints to emit a beautiful perfume in order to draw more people to Himself and holiness. This perfume is smelt only by a privileged few, not all. St. Padre Pio had this gift and the smell of roses, incense, ammonia, and others was emitted from him. He said to some inquiring about them: “They are only a sign of my presence.”
Father Agostino of San Marco in Lamis had a malfunctioned olfactory gland and could only smell strong odors. He said, “I smelt a number of times the perfume that many people smell. Even when I was distant from San Giovanni Rotondo I smelt it.” The Gift of Perfume continued after St. Padre Pio’s death. Not just places connected with him but also places in American and distant places of the world smelt the distinct perfume.
The Gift of Light:
On October 5, 125, Dr. Giorgio Festa operated on St. Padre Pio for a hernia. Before he had to stitch the wound, the doctor noticed St. Pio had lost consciousness. He took advantage of this and look at his left side – the place of Jesus’ wound from his stigmata. And, he was the wound was “fresh and of a vermilion red and in the shape of a cross…From the edges of the wound emitted small but unmistakable rays of light.” Dr. Giorgio put on the bandage and St. Padre Pio regained his senses.