Believer or Non-believer?
If you believe that you don’t need God to know what is right or wrong, that humans are just an accident of nature with no more value than a rock, have no issue with people like Stalin, Hitler or Mao Tse-Tung who all killed millions upon millions of humans based on these same assumptions, then read no further.

Have You Thought About Eternity?
Have you ever thought about a decision freely given to all humans? A decision to spend eternity with God or to spend eternity without God? Because God is Love, he freely gives all of us a life to make the choice.

The Laws of Love, The Ten Commandments
Every religion, every culture, has some version of these. These are moral principles. These are the natural laws of love. Love does not kill, love does not bear false witness, love does not commit adultery. (Not real love) Remember “Love the purpose of life is the willing of good of the other person.”

Was Jesus Resurrected?
The resurrection is of critical importance because it completes our salvation. Jesus came to save us from our sin and its consequences, death.
The Gospel or “Good News” means essentially the news of Christ’s resurrection. A man who claimed to be the Son of God and the Savior of the world had risen from the dead.