Designed in the mind of God?
Cause and Effect
‘How long would you have to shake a box of radio parts before it assembled itself into a radio?’ It never would, of course. All you’d get is a bunch of broken radio parts. In the natural universe, things always go from order to disorder.
However, if you went down the street and saw one hundred quarters all balance on the edge you would say somebody did this. This was not an accident.
So now let’s look at some examples in science that are far more convincing that there is an intelligent designer.
A biological example
Could humans have happened by accident?
Life would not be possible without DNA. DNA contains the “master blueprint” that is continually being replicated in every living cell. A typical strand of DNA includes three billion rungs of digital code that is self-reproducing and error-correcting. Without extremely complex DNA codes, not even the simplest form of life could exist. All DNA consists of combinations of only four nucleic acids: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine. These four nucleic acids compose the 20 amino acids that form over 100,000 functional proteins (chains that are 100 to 500 amino acids long)
What are your odds of the protein in your blood (hemoglobin) happening by accident?
Given the length of the amino acid chain in hemoglobin, there are over 10 652 permutations of amino acids possible, but only one of these combinations is hemoglobin.
Statistically speaking, if it were left to chance alone, there are 7.4 x 10 652 ways to arrange these twenty amino acids that form hemoglobin. To put it in terms we can “see”, there are this many combinations:
“That’s a lot of zeroes.”
Given those odds of one chance in that number, could this miracle protein called hemoglobin have ever developed by time and chance alone?
No. It would be utterly impossible for such a combination to develop without intelligent design considering the following two facts:
a)There are only 1066 atoms =
atoms in the entire universe, so you can’t waste material on false tries.
There have been no more than 10 16 seconds
The Hubble telescope’s deep space scan reveals that the accepted age of the universe is 13.7 billion years old. Compare that to the chances of hemoglobin forming on its own.
It is obvious that the chance of this specific sequence occurring by chance is utterly absurd. In fact, in physics, the mathematical definition of “absurd” is any probability less than 1 in 1050 so this puts us far beyond absurd. It is impossible that hemoglobin could have ever accidentally come together even once in the history of the universe.
The above example looks at the protein (hemoglobin) happening by accident, but here are the odds of a single protein happening by accident.
What are the Odds of just a Single Protein Forming by Chance?
If you still are skeptical of the scientific evidence for God, then let’s look at the cosmological evidence.
The Anthropic Principle: Scientific Proof There is a Creator – Mustard Seed Recording
The Big Bang – a BIG Problem – Mustard Seed Recording
If you are convinced that an intelligent designer (called God) most likely exists, then click here to understand God’s Nature.
If you prefer a more logical set of arguments check out the “The Five Basic Proofs for the Existence of God”
Here is a link to much more detail on DNA.

Take mind expanding trip through the complexity and functionality of kinesin proteins, which act as miniature motor proteins inside living cells, transporting cargo and performing various tasks.
The intricate design and capabilities of kinesin proteins cannot be explained by evolution alone and suggests that they point to an intelligent creator. It emphasizes the sophistication of kinesin proteins, their efficiency, and their ability to navigate obstacles. It also challenges the idea that such complexity could have arisen through random processes over millions of years. This evidence from science suggests a Designer. A Designer the faithful call God.
The video emphasizes the complexity of cellular systems and the challenges of assembling the necessary molecular machines for life to emerge.
It concludes that the probability of such complex organization happening by chance is virtually impossible.
Mathematical Challenges to Evolution
David Berlinski is the author of a book called “The Deniable Darwin and Other Essays” in which he argues that while Darwin’s book “On the Origin of Species” successfully explains small adjustments in organisms, there are many reasons to doubt whether he can explain the big picture of the emergence of new species. Berlinski, along with other scientists, believes that Darwin’s theory is beautiful because it explains big things by generalizing little things, but they also argue that there are problems with the theory, such as the fossil record and the lack of evidence for certain aspects of the theory that have been discovered in recent years.
CS Lewis, ‘beauty and moral law in the world can’t be explained by a universe made only of matter and energy’
CS Lewis was a writer who believed in atheism early on but eventually came to believe in the idea of intelligent design in nature. He was influenced by the idea that nature’s cruelty and waste proved there couldn’t be a benevolent creator and by writers who depicted a cold, impersonal universe. He believed that the beauty and moral law in the world couldn’t be explained by a universe made only of matter and energy and that this evidence ultimately led him to believe in intelligent design.