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Divine Truth Revealed

Divine Truth Revealed

 The Truth It is not an opinion, view, belief, consensus, majority, theory, or philosophy. Our opinion does not matter. Only our choice about the truth matters.

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Open Mind

Having an open mind means being willing to listen to and consider new ideas or perspectives without any prior judgement or biases. It requires being able to...

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Summary of Your Soul 1. Many believe the soul is an important part of us that can‘t be explained by our physical body and brain. 2. The soul is believed to be...

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Who Believes

Who Believes

See the Map of Who Believes in a Single God Click to See Map 55% of the world believes in a single God. The God of Abraham (3.58 billion out of 7 billion...

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The Painting of The Visitation

The Painting of The Visitation

 I hope you enjoy these digital paintings of mysteries found in the Bible. By spending considerable time studying the history, natural surroundings, and Saint’s mystical descriptions of the scene, I hope I can help to bring God’s graces closer to your heart.

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Nativity Incarnate

Nativity Incarnate

This original artwork by Jeff Pettit is not the classic Crèche Nativity of St. Francis origin, but one based on the mystics mind’s eye view.
Primarily an image influenced by the Venerable Mary of Agreda, and Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1800) both who have mystical experiences of the blessed event.

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The Making of a Mystic Nativity

The Making of a Mystic Nativity

Well it is Christmas time 2014. Although I wanted to have the Nativity painting I started three years ago complete, I'm sad to say it is not. However, I decided I could least share the progress so far.           It is not the classic Crèche...

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Love, Joy and Peace

Love, Joy and Peace

“Love ,Joy and Peace” is not just a greeting on a Christmas card, but it is certainly the deepest desire of the human heart. Love, the true concern for the well-being of the other person will bring you true joy in your heart. True joy your charitable action and prayers will bring you peace to your soul.

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Special Studio Rates for Christians

Special Studio Rates for Christians

SPECIAL Up to Three FREE Christen Songs (Any denomination) Please Contact Us to discuss your ministry Standard Audio/Video Rates $50/hour recording $50/hour mixing movie $50/hour mastering CD/DVD Services Mustard Seed Recording offers audio and video recording,...

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Free Music

Free Music

Special Promo Offer Get the title songs for Free:  “Mustard Seed” Mustard Seed Sheet Music  “Surrender To God Love’s” Surrender God’s Love Sheet Music

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Order a DVD today



The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

12 fruits

The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory.

The traditional fruits of the Holy Spirit. There are 12 traditional fruits of the Holy Spirit, some which overlap the biblical list:

      1. Love,
      2. Joy,
      3. Peace,
      4. Patience,
      5. Kindness,
      6. Goodness,
      7. Long-suffering,
      8. Humility/gentleness,
      9. Fidelity/faithfulness,
      10. Modesty,
      11. Continence/self-control
      12. Chastity.

[Gal. 5:22-23, Latin Vulgate]

Fruits of Holy Spirit

The Bible’s fruits of the Holy Spirit.There are nine biblically-based fruits of the Holy Spirit as given by St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians: “

    1. love,
    2. joy,
    3. peace,
    4. patience,
    5. kindness,
    6. generosity,
    7. faithfulness,
    8. gentleness
    9. self-control

(Galatians 5:22-23).

Please note that while the Cathechism of the Catholic Church lists 12 fruits, you will only find 9 in the modern versions of the Holy Bibles. The Latin Vulgate (Latin translation of the Bible circa 382) states 12 fruits.


“Like a warm blanket wrapped around my Soul!”

These are some personal testimonies of mine that describe the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit Frees Us

The holy Spirit frees us from or chains of our attachments, the wealth that turns our heart to material things, the pleasures that weaken our will, and pride that caries us above ourselves. This is the first consolation of the Spirit the consolation of freedom.

Why would any of these things matter if we “Seek first the kingdom of God”?

The troubles of this earth, the shadows of life and the pains in our body do not matter if we have God in our soul. The consolation that makes us forget the troubles of life, or least wrap them in the splender of celestial happiness is the consolation of the union with God’s Love.

The Holy Spirit gives usconsolation of Hope.  The Holy Spirit gives us the hope in the inheritance of eternal life in heaven with God. We rejoice in our hope not only because we trust in God, but also because we carry with us  the guarantee of its fulfillment.