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The Laws of Love, The Ten Commandments

The Laws of Love, The Ten Commandments

Every religion, every culture, has some version of these. These are moral principles. These are the natural laws of love. Love does not kill, love does not bear false witness, love does not commit adultery. (Not real love) Remember “Love the purpose of life is the willing of good of the other person.”

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

To answer that question you must use your heart, the center of your soul as the teacher.

Culture tells us to measure a person’s worth by his job or his wealth or by his contribution to society or by how young and handsome and healthy he is. But your heart your inner critic says no. You have to listen to your heart.


Your heart tells you that the meaning of life is love.

Love, Joy and Peace

Love, Joy and Peace

“Love ,Joy and Peace” is not just a greeting on a Christmas card, but it is certainly the deepest desire of the human heart. Love, the true concern for the well-being of the other person will bring you true joy in your heart. True joy your charitable action and prayers will bring you peace to your soul.