See the Map of Who Believes in a Single God
Click to See Map 55% of the world believes in a single God. The God of Abraham (3.58 billion out of 7 billion people as of 2011. 1/3 of the world believes in Jesus Christ.
Just over half of those Christians, are Catholic ( 1.1+ billion)
Click to see “Who in The World Believes”
When we compare the major religions of the world, some of the commonalities include:
- Belief in a higher power or divine being(s) that governs the universe.
- Recognition of a moral code or set of ethical principles that guide one’s behavior and actions.
- Importance of prayer, meditation, or contemplation as a way to connect with the divine or seek spiritual guidance.
- Emphasis on compassion, love, and kindness towards others as a key aspect of leading a fulfilling and meaningful life.
- Observation of rituals, customs, and traditions that help to reinforce the religious beliefs and values of the community.
Pastor Rick Warren emphasizes the importance of praying for the country and culture in a time of violence and hopelessness. He believes that those who have forgotten God have no hope and that the church needs to be agents of light and hope. He identifies various issues in the culture, such as politics being polarized, manners being uncivilized, and the elderly being dehumanized. Warren emphasizes the importance of emphasizing the church, and he suggests various ways to strengthen the church, such as scrutinizing our prayer, revitalizing our worship, and galvanizing the next generation. Warren believes that Jesus and his bride, the church, are the hope of the world. He urges us to maintain our perspective and to remember that our hope lies in Jesus, not in any man we put in the White House. Finally, Warren reminds us that there are 2.3 billion people in the world who claim the name of Christ, and we are on the same team if we love Jesus.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
Pray with Rick, “I have made a life-changing decision to dedicate their life to serving God’s purposes with God’s people on God’s planet for God’s glory. They will use their life to celebrate God’s presence, cultivate God’s character, participate in God’s family, demonstrate God’s love, and communicate God’s word. They will prioritize worship, character, service, and God’s purposes over wealth, comfort, status, and pleasures. They will not be swayed by culture, critics, praise, problems, temptation, or the devil. They will run their race with their eyes on the goal, and they will finish the race by God’s grace. They will be gracious, grateful, and generous, and they will share God’s message of hope to everyone everywhere using timely methods. They anchor their life on God’s unchanging word, and their answer to God’s call is always yes, whatever the cost. They want to hear God say, “Well done, thou good and faithful one, come on in and let the eternal party begin.”