Truth is NOT the popular consensus, “true for you but not true for me” or even what can only be proved by reason. For some, the first stumbling block to knowing God Exists, is a lack of knowledge with regards to “The Truth.”
The First Step,
to peace in your life is to realize that God Exists. For some whom only believe in “reasoning” of scientific studies, it is hard to accept “Truths” that cannot absolutely be proven though human reason. It is necessary to understand that there is more to truth than what is in the human mind.
Objective Truth
Truth is not:
- Known or believed by all (popular consensus)
- Only what can be proved by reason
- Subjective: “true for you but not true for me”
Truth is:
- “Saying of what is that it is and of what is not that it is not.”
- The correspondence of what you know or say to what is
- Truth is in the mind as conformed to the thing understood
- Truth is conformity between intellect and things
- Truth is correspondence between an object and the form of the object in the mind.
Thomas Aquinas affirms that one can say something about truth: that it does in fact exist, and moreover exists eternally. He calls this truth divine truth. Aquinas “refers the whole eternity of truth to the divine mind.”
There are two realms of truth:
- Human truth: Human truth is many, finite, and changeable
- intellectual truth
- truth in things
- man-made things
- natural things
- Divine truth: Divine truth is one, eternal, and unchangeable. Independent of the human mind.
- It is at once the origin and goal of human truth.
- It is what humans aim at in their pursuit of truth.
- Human truth would not exist without God, since he created humans, and the objects they encounter.
A thing is said to be true because its existence depends on either the divine mind or the human mind. Everything is ultimately true in relation to the divine intellect.
If you are willing to accept this truth that cannot be explained by humans you are ready to take your first “Faithful” step. Does God Exist?
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