Does God Exist?
The most sincere message I can give to someone who does not believe in God is to sit quietly by yourself and Pray to God to let you know He exists! As strange as that may sound to you, (since you don’t believe in Him at this point in your life), your personal revelation on this topics will far outweigh any logical approach to the subject.
Here is a prayer for skeptics to help you.
If you prefer a logical path please read on.
Here is a PDF of Overview Chart if you prefer.)
95% Confidence Standard
Let’s examine what we mean by the word “proof’ first.
To establish what is meant by ‘proof’ is crucial because, although evidence is objective, proof is subjective. If you do not know what definition of proof you are aiming at, your chances of proving it are quite slim. For many people proof is what you can see, but electricity, love, and hate as examples of things we believe in that wee can not see. If you accept that love, hate and electricity are real then it would be reasonable to say that we would not have two standards for proof one for love and one for God, correct?
Epistemology, the study of knowing, asks questions like, “How do we know that what we think we know is real?” But for most people, it all boils down to simple cause-and-effect. If there is a house (an effect), then we can “know” there was someone who built it (a cause). Furthermore, we know that wind, rain, dirt, trees, and stones around it are not a sufficiently complex cause to explain the house as an effect In other words, someone could prove to us how the house got there only if his reasoning was consistent with cause-and-effect. So we can generally establish cause-and-effect as the basic way people determine proof.
In reality, the existence of God cannot be scientifically proven or disproved absolutely. In fact, I cannot prove that you exist. Since God’s existence cannot be scientifically proven, how do we determine if God’s existence is probable? I propose using the same standard that we use in science –the 95% confidence interval. If you set no standard for evidence, the tendency is to raise the standard for proof as the amount of evidence increases. The standard I propose is a 95% certainty that God exists (and a 5% certainty that he doesn’t exist). There are many things that we do everyday for which we do not have absolute certainty of the outcome. Even without absolute certainty, we believe that we will be successful. This is the kind of faith that I am advocating.
Cause and Effect
“Just that no chance happening has ever produced anything comparable to a snowflake, a flower, or a living cell, We might as well ask, ‘How long would you have to shake a box of radio parts before it assembled itself into a radio?’ It never would, of course. All you’d get is a bunch of broken radio parts. In the natural universe, things always go from order to disorder, not the other way around. Does your office tend to get more or less orderly if you leave it alone?
If you went down the street and saw a quarter on the sidewalk, you would think, naturally, Someone dropped a quarter.’ If you went down the Street and saw a handful of quarters on the sidewalk, you would think, Someone had a big hole in their pockets, or dropped a roll of quarters.” But if you went down the Street and saw one hundred quarters on the sidewalk, and they were all carefully balanced precariously on their edges, you would have to think ‘somebody did this deliberately
There are many examples of an “intelligent designer” at work around us. Put your thinking cap on and let’s take a look at a some evidence.
Let’s look first at a biological example.
Life would not be possible apart from the famed double-helix called DNA. DNA contains the “master blueprint’ that is continually being replicated in every living cell. A typical strand of DNA includes three billion rungs of a digital code that is self-reproducing and error-correcting. Without an intelligent master-designer of extremely complex DNA codes, not even the simplest form of life could exist. All DNA consists of combinations of only four nucleic acids: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine. These four nucleic acids compose the 20 amino acids that form over 100,000 functional proteins (chains that are 100 to 500 amino acids long).
Let’s look at the essential protein in our blood: Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible both for the red color of our blood and for the oxygen transfer chemistry system that is required for our breathing. Without it, you couldn’t breath.
Given the length of the amino acid chain in hemoglobin, there are over 10 652 permutations of amino acids possible, but only one of these possible combinations is hemoglobin.
Statistically speaking, if it were left to chance alone, there are 7.4 x 10 652 ways to arrange these twenty amino acids that form hemoglobin. To put it in terms we can “see”, there are this many combinations:
Say with me: “That’s a lot of zeroes.”
Here’s the question: Given those odds of one chance in that number, could this miracle protein called hemoglobin have ever developed by time and chance alone? No. It would be utterly impossible for such a combination to develop without intelligent design in light of the following two facts:
a)There are only 1066 atoms =
atoms in the entire universe, so you can’t waste material on false tries.
There have been no more than 10 16 seconds
seconds in the generally accepted age of the universe ~ 11 billion years), so you would have had to work rather quickly. (Since the Hubble Telescope deep space scan, the general accepted age is = 13.7 billion, but the math still falls short)
Compare that to the chances of hemoglobin forming on its own.
It is obvious that the chance of this specific sequence occurring by chance is utterly absurd. In fact, in physics, the mathematical definition of “absurd” is any probability less than 1 in 1050 so this puts us far beyond absurd. It is absolutely impossible that hemoglobin could have ever accidentally come together even once in the history of the universe.