These are some personal testimonies of mine that describe the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Frees Us
The holy Spirit frees us from or chains of our attachments, the wealth that turns our heart to material things, the pleasures that weaken our will, and pride that caries us above ourselves. This is the first consolation of the Spirit the consolation of freedom.
Why would any of these things matter if we “Seek first the kingdom of God”?
The troubles of this earth, the shadows of life and the pains in our body do not matter if we have God in our soul. The consolation that makes us forget the troubles of life, or least wrap them in the splender of celestial happiness is the consolation of the union with God’s Love.
The Holy Spirit gives usconsolation of Hope. The Holy Spirit gives us the hope in the inheritance of eternal life in heaven with God. We rejoice in our hope not only because we trust in God, but also because we carry with us the guarantee of its fulfillment.